Omkarananda Kamakshi Devi Mandir

Visit of Omkarananda Preparatory School Students
to Omkarananda-Kamakshi-Devi Mandir
on 11th November 2006

It was no doubt a special day for the small small kids of Omkarananda Preparatory School, when they could line up for the great Darshan of Omkarananda-Kamakshi-Devi. The Chief Priest and his assistants showed to them the different shrines, explained them about the Deities and finally blessed them with the traditional Tilak. Before they could enjoy the Prasadam the Coordinator Smt. Meenakshi Gupta started to teach them the recitation of the divine syllables. After this with great enthusiasm all the children strongly recited the Mantras.

The school-children line up in Omkarananda-Kamakshi-Devi Mandir

The function concluded with a deserved Prasadam, while sitting in the warm sunlight.

In today's time it is highly appreciable when these kids already get a little insight in the great eternal Vedic culture.